Facts about Legal kidnapping, LVU and Civil Servant Excesses in Sweden

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The mass media are keen to divert attention from the protests of 2021/22 against legal kidnapping, LVU and illegal actions in Social services and the adminstrative courts. They say it’s an Islamist terrorist attempt to destabilise Sweden.

However, if you look at the stats and facts produced by official bodies in Sweden, it becomes obvious that something is seriously wrong: how can these numbers be right in a country that has good child protection laws that include a principle of reunification, proportionality and innocent till proven guilty?

1/5 av alla barn som är placerade enligt LVU kommer aldrig hem. Barn är generellt placerade i 9 år.

1/5 of all children placed never come home.

Children are on average placed for 9 years.

Statistik om socialtjänstinsatser till
barn och unga 2020, Socialstyrelsen 2021-08-17 Art.nr: 2021-8-7516- source

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