Demonstrators came together in Gothenburg again on Sunday 22 March to stand up for the rights of children and families, to protest the excessive use of powers by Social Services to remove children from their families instead of helping them; against the courts and the politicians who refuse to hold social services to the standard prescribed by laws of this country.

It was a beautiful day, with many people out and about. The location of Götaplatsen (which was a last minute change by the municipality!) was great. The demonstration started off with a march of about 150- 200 people along Kungsportsavenyen. Many people were enjoying lunch or walking out on the sunny day and saw the march, showing a mixture of support. The police escort was very professional.
There was only one altercation, where a Swedish man walked up to one of the protestors and yelled at him “Go home to your country!” The protestor only responded with “I am home, I’m a citizen and this is where I have paid my taxes for the past 10 years.”
First on top of the steps was Victorija, a Ukrainian mother of 2 boys. She told of her story, the injustices she has faced, how see cannot see her 2 young boys. One she has not seen in 4 months. It was heart-breaking to see this woman: her family torn apart- children by Social services, apparently and parents and extended family ravished by war!

Then we heard testimonials from other parents in Swedish and Arabic.
Some of these stories -including a child taken and raped in the foster system and that of a newborn baby ripped from the mother in the labour ward- we are writing up and fact-checking to ensure accuracy. Subscribe so you don’t miss out!
Another emotional testimonial was from an 80 year old grandfather. He is the father of 9 children and not one but 2 of his grandchildren have been affected by LVU. One, was in foster care for 9 years and is now a young adult trying to find his feet after the experience and exposure in the foster system.
The well-dressed old man told of how his heart aches because he has not seen his grandson in LVU for 5 years! This despite many requests towards social services to allow contact for them.
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