Parent’s guide to Signs of Safety for child protection in Sweden

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Navigating the Signs of Safety methodology can be challenging for parents, especially when faced with inaccuracies in the investigation (utredning) and accusations that may not be entirely true. Here we discuss some strategies for parents to approach this process constructively

Understanding and Accepting the Process

Firstly, it’s important for parents to understand that the Signs of Safety methodology is designed to be collaborative and strengths-based.

Going into this may be hard, especially if there is not a clear agreement around the need and the reasons social services got involved with the family. This means that while the initial investigation might contain inaccuracies, the Signs of Safety process allows for these to be addressed and corrected, over time.

Parents should approach the methodology with an open mind, recognizing that the goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of their child. By engaging actively and positively, parents can help shape the outcome in a way that reflects the true situation within the family.

Building on the Investigation

Even if the initial investigation contains inaccuracies, exaggerations (or sometimes outright lies) parents can use the Signs of Safety framework to build a more accurate picture of their family situation. This involves participating in meetings, providing additional information, and working with social workers to highlight strengths and address concerns. By being proactive and cooperative, parents (and the safety network)  can help correct any misunderstandings and ensure that the safety plan is based on a comprehensive and accurate assessment.

Acknowledging Accusations

One of the key challenges for parents is to acknowledge the concerns raised by social services. The Signs of Safety methodology encourages open and honest communication, which may be difficult for families frightened or even traumatized by sudden interventions. 

The very foundation of this methodology is to accept the concerns as concerns.

Parents can acknowledge the concerns by expressing understanding and willingness to address them, without necessarily admitting to any wrongdoing. For example, a parent might say, “I understand that there are concerns about violence in the home, and I am committed to working with you to ensure the children’s well-being,” rather than arguing abput specific accusations that they believe are unfounded.

It is for this reason it’s vital to understand what is violence. [Read more here]

Focusing on Safety and Solutions

The primary focus of the Signs of Safety methodology is to create a safe environment for the child.

Parents and the safety network should keep this goal in mind and work towards developing practical solutions that address the concerns raised, whether those concerns are based on reality within the family or not!

This will likely involve creating a safety plan that includes specific actions and support from extended family and friends. By focusing on solutions and demonstrating a commitment to their child’s safety, parents can build trust with social workers and show that they are taking the concerns seriously.

Seeking Support

A large part of the Signs of Safety method is about the social network. Parents should not hesitate to seek support from trusted family members, friends, or professional advocates. Having a support network can provide emotional strength and practical assistance throughout the process. Additionally, involving trusted individuals in the safety planning can help create a more robust and effective plan.

By approaching the Signs of Safety methodology with a constructive and proactive mindset, parents can navigate the challenges of the process, address inaccuracies, and work towards ensuring the safety and well-being of their child.

This will often involve common sense solutions, which the family may or may not have adopted already.

How to engage in the process

Steps that will help, you, the parents engage effectively and constructively in the process.

Here are some very simple action points for parents to follow during a meeting:

  1. Focus on Safety: Always keep your child’s safety and well-being as the main goal!
  2. Listen: Pay close attention to what the social workers are saying, what the concerns are
  3. Understand the Method: Know that Signs of Safety is about working together and focusing on strengths.
  4. Stay Calm: Keep a positive and open attitude.  However hard this may be ,it is critical!
  5. Ask Questions: If something is unclear, ask for more information, research the problem and solutions
  6. Share Your View: Explain your perspective and provide additional information,  if needed. Don’t be defensive, don’t be insulting!
  7. Repeat! Focus on your child! Not you! Your child!

Good luck!

Roy, J. (2020). Signs of Safety: The view from early help. Child Care ….
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